I have been able to repair the mold and cast it again. Better, this time…
The Keeper II
Casting my latest “Keeper” in cement. Over 6’ tall.
My first cast was almost a complete disaster. My mold exploded under the pressure of the cement. Fortunately, the silicone part of the mold stuck out bt did not tear. My Keeper ended up with a huge belly that I had to carve out.
Life is Short II
This is my second 6’ tall piece, cast in cement. Its title is “Life is Short”.
Gorgeous for Ever II
Having no more access to the foundry where I used to cast my bronzes because of COVID-19, I started to experiment with cement. Here is how I cast in cement my 6’ tall piece untitled “Gorgeous for Ever”.
Grand Figures
Taking advantage of all the time available to me thanks to the “Shelter in place”, I finished two large sculptures (6 foot tall) , and made the molds. I am now waiting for the easing of the confinement to get access to a foundry to cast these in bronze. Still a lot of work ahead…
Bark Series
I am working on a series of bronzes cast from organic burn-outs of pieces of bark.
Instead of using the lost wax process, I took the actual pieces of bark, dipped them into the slurry to build up a ceramic shell around the bark. I then put these in a furnace at high temperature (1800 F) in order to burn the bark (organic burn-out), which leaves their shape into which the melted bronze is poured.
Making of "Rebirth"
Carving "Shy?"
Wax Burnout furnace
This is the furnace used to melt the wax in the lost wax process of Bronze making.
The piece is heated up to 1600 to 1800 F.